Story Commission Information

Here you can find a list of what I will write, and what I won’t write.
You’ll also find pricing and payment options, as well as what I need from you as a commissioner and some legal information.

After you’re done reading, send me a message over Twitter to start the process.


Genres I will Write

In order of experience:
Science Fiction

(This includes normie and furry writing, of course.)

(Green tick)

(Orange circle)

Genres I am reluctant to write

These I am reluctant to write simply from lack of experience. I’d need extra information. And time.

Genres I will not write

I will not write these. No exceptions
Anything that seems to be a copy of another written material.

(Red Cross)

Pricing And Payment

All stories come with a flat fee of $20, paid up front and in full before anything is started on.
After that, an additional charge of $1 is paid per 100 words, past 1500 words.

Example: A 5000 word story would be $55. $20 for the flat fee, and an additional $35 for the 3500 words past 1500 words.

This is non-negotiable, and refunds are only available until just before the final plot outline.

All payment is done through PayPal. The initial fee is needed before any work can start, and I’ll need payment in full before I release the story. An estimate will be given after it is completed, and if you find it too long or too short, that can be adjusted at no extra fee to you.

Needed Information and Writing Process

Needed Information
Want I need from you? An idea, a basic plot, and a character or two. We’ll spend some time working on stuff together, so there’s no need to worry about every small detail. I’ll handle that.

Writing Process
After the initial payment of $20, we’ll spend a while brainstorming up story ideas and details.

After you’re satisfied, a plot outline is written up, and sent to you. You point out things you’d like changed, up to a max of three outline revisions total. (After this stage, refunds are no longer available.)

Following this, a much more detailed outline is constructed. If you’re satisfied with the outline, I begin writing.

Legal Stuff

As a creator, it’s very important that I maintain a certain amount of control over my intellectual property. As such:

I the author maintain the right to use any commissioned material in portfolios and as an example of previous work, unless explicitly stated by the commissioner.
You the commissioner retain the right to any personal use of the written material. You may not use this material on any websites without my permission, nor may you charge others to read it.
You as the commissioner are forbidden from mass distribution of the material on a commercial level.

By reading and paying the initial $20 fee, you agree to the above terms in full.

© Untitled. All rights reserved.